Tales from a shower cry session

Two posts in one week, I’m getting a little wild here. But jokes aside, I had a lot of my mind and just feel the need to get it off my chest. Keep in mind, I am super emotionally charged today, so this post may end up not really making sense or having an exactContinueContinue reading “Tales from a shower cry session”

All we need is a little love

YOU GUYS. I have been a little M.I.A hey? So many things have been happening and for once all of them exciting and good. The clinical trial seems to be going well. I even had moments were I didn’t poop for over 24 hours. It was the craziest feeling. The first time it happened IContinueContinue reading “All we need is a little love”

Be Careful With Advice

Any time I come across someone new who asks about my story, it always surprises me with how many people are suddenly experts. They always have advice around new products to try, new diets to endure, or suggestions from who knows where. “Have you tried adding more lemon in your diet?” “It’s all that glutenContinueContinue reading “Be Careful With Advice”

Lets Talk About Joint Pain

Today was a rough day. A humble reminder that we are not in remission, and still have a journey to go through. Although it is a new year, it is not quite a new me. I felt it as soon as I woke up this morning at 5 am. The stiff muscles in my backContinueContinue reading “Lets Talk About Joint Pain”

Things to know about living with IBD

Hello lovely readers, It has of course been awhile. I feel like things are finally starting to settle but I have 0 energy now and want to do absolutely nothing. So I do as little as possible. I wake up, I go to work, some days I workout (SUPER EXCITING), some days I see friends,ContinueContinue reading “Things to know about living with IBD”

Two Year Anniversary

Two years have come and gone colon. Two whole years since you have graced me with your presence ulcerative colitis. Two years since you decided my life needed a little bit more excitement and shaking up. And guess what? You freaking did it. My life got MUCH more exciting and very shaken up. I tryContinueContinue reading “Two Year Anniversary”

The Power of Human Connection

This post was pretty emotional for me to write, so please bare with me. From the time I was a little kid, I knew I wanted to change the world. How I would change the world was what would change over the years. At first I thought I needed to be a celebrity in orderContinueContinue reading “The Power of Human Connection”


This entire month is Mental Health Awareness month. As I am sure many of you know, I am a huge advocate for mental health. I suffer from some mental health problems myself, I know people close to me who do, and I work with people who do. It’s really a big part of my lifeContinueContinue reading “#LOVEISLOUDER”