Reflections from the other side

I know I know, the title sounds morbid. I’m not dying. By other side, I mean remission, because we did it. I am still in remission and have been for a whole year now. It’s been a long time since I have written in this blog. I think a part of it was exhaustion becauseContinueContinue reading “Reflections from the other side”

A Letter To My Healing Body

Dear body, Where do I begin? On Tuesday we had our colonoscopy and finally heard news that we have wanted to hear for a long time. We are nearly there. No active inflammation, but we do have quite a bit of healing to do. But we are almost there! Woo! While I was drugged upContinueContinue reading “A Letter To My Healing Body”

Well friends, we got the flu

Ah flu season, the time of year no one likes. Especially people with autoimmune disorders. Last year your girl was on top of it and got her flu sit early, managing to overall miss flu season. This year, your girl was lazy and kept putting it off and Karma bit her in the ass. NowContinueContinue reading “Well friends, we got the flu”

Hello, It’s Me

Well hello world, it has been a long long time since we have ventured over here to this blog. I made it back from Europe, I do promise you that. I’m really sorry I was away from here for so long. Life just kind of got away from me. Europe was a whirl wind andContinueContinue reading “Hello, It’s Me”

I’m going to Europe!

Guys this month has been so hectic. Last month of school for kids is always a gong show, meaning long days and energy levels next to nothing. But we got through it all and on top of it all successfully weaned off of prednisone! It’s been officially three weeks and I haven’t regressed. This drugContinueContinue reading “I’m going to Europe!”

Where did time go?!

Holy smokes guys, How has it literally been just shy of a month?! Time has FLOWN by. I am down to 14 days left of work before the summer holidays (working in a school perks). I knew I had been slacking a bit, but I didn’t think a whole darn month had gone by! ButContinueContinue reading “Where did time go?!”

What is a flare up?

As my journey to remission seems to becoming closer, I started to wonder about the future. Will I be symptom free? What does remission feel like? How long will it last? But most importantly, what is a flare up? Because often people who go into remission talk about having flare ups. I have used thisContinueContinue reading “What is a flare up?”

Clinical Trial Series: Week 16

Well the day has come and passed and we have lived to tell the tale of yet another colonoscopy- except this time it was a sigmoidoscopy. While they tell you that the prep for a sigmoidoscopy is much easier- I beg to differ and actually asked for the colonoscopy prep. That enema fleet they giveContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Week 16”