You are not a burden

Recently NY Times released an article titled “Is it OK to Dump Him Because of His Medical Condition” (which you can read here). While the letter writer seems to be in a new relationship, her concerns are valid. I think anyone entering into a new relationship where they may not have any experience with somethingContinueContinue reading “You are not a burden”

A Letter To My Healing Body

Dear body, Where do I begin? On Tuesday we had our colonoscopy and finally heard news that we have wanted to hear for a long time. We are nearly there. No active inflammation, but we do have quite a bit of healing to do. But we are almost there! Woo! While I was drugged upContinueContinue reading “A Letter To My Healing Body”

I’m going to Europe!

Guys this month has been so hectic. Last month of school for kids is always a gong show, meaning long days and energy levels next to nothing. But we got through it all and on top of it all successfully weaned off of prednisone! It’s been officially three weeks and I haven’t regressed. This drugContinueContinue reading “I’m going to Europe!”

Clinical Trial Series: Week 16

Well the day has come and passed and we have lived to tell the tale of yet another colonoscopy- except this time it was a sigmoidoscopy. While they tell you that the prep for a sigmoidoscopy is much easier- I beg to differ and actually asked for the colonoscopy prep. That enema fleet they giveContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Week 16”

Clinical Trial Series: Week 8 Check in & Colonoscopy

YOU GUYS I was too excited not to update you about today even though I feel like ABSOLUTE trash. Today was the final week of phase 1 where we found out if I was on the drug, how my bowels were looking, and what the next step would be. First off, prep fucking sucks. IContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Week 8 Check in & Colonoscopy”

Clinical Trial Series: Week 2 Check in

Week 2 was upon us friends and it seems to be good news. Based on my current symptoms we are PRETTY sure I am on the drug and not placebo. I have definitely noticed a slow but noticeable change in my frequency of going. This is supposed to be one of the first few thingsContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Week 2 Check in”

Clinical Trial Series: Baseline

Hello dear readers, We made it! We survived day 1. Today was just overall a busy day. I had decided since I had to take a day off work to book all my appointments today. This resulted in the clinical trial, my gyno appointment, and a practicum interview being all done in one go. ItContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Baseline”

Clinical Trial Series: Intro

Hello friends! The day is quickly approaching (Tuesday) where I begin my clinical trials. As such, I thought it would be a good idea to create a series or thread specifically for the clinical trial where I talk abut my experience. I think it would be important because a) this is very likely a drugContinueContinue reading “Clinical Trial Series: Intro”