The Downsides & Upsides

This will be an update post on my progress so far. It’s officially been a week since my loading dose of Humira and we are now officially down to 20 mg of Prednisone (I’m halfway there). I start going down 0.5 mg each week for Prednisone and then this coming Saturday I take 80 mgContinueContinue reading “The Downsides & Upsides”

Humira & Me: My First Experience

Warning: explicit language and lots of details about poop (no surprise) Yesterday was Humira day. Can you believe it? It all happened so fast. Let’s rewind a little bit here. So like I said in my last post, our choice was to start with Humira because it just seemed like a better fit for myContinueContinue reading “Humira & Me: My First Experience”

Hello Humira

Well it’s official, I have been given the go ahead to start Biologics and the winner was Humira. I finally got to see my specialist and I think it came at a perfect time. Tomorrow I am starting 5 pills a day and it’s really starting to kick my butt. My ear infections have been goingContinueContinue reading “Hello Humira”